Buy Freshly Milled Flour, Grains and Other Cereal Products

Stone ground certified organic



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Certified Organic Wheat Flours, Grain, Bran & Semolina

Certified Organic Wheat Flours, Grain, Bran & Semolina

Wheat is one of the oldest and most important cultivated food plants. Like all the seven grains, wheat is a member of the grass family. It prefers good fertility levels and sufficient moisture throughout the growing season.

Wheat is mostly used for baking bread and cakes. There are 3 main types of wheat:
  • So called biscuit wheat with a lower protein content ideal for cakes and pastries
  • Durum wheat, a very hard variety for making pasta
  • Hard or bread wheats with high protein levels and good baking characteristics.
Milmore Downs and partner farms grow hard wheat varieties with excellent baking strength.

All wheat products are BioGro certified

Wholemeal Flour

Organic Wholemeal Wheat Flour (2 kg)


Organic Wholemeal Wheat Flour (5kg)


Organic Wholemeal Wheat Flour (10 kg)


Organic Wholemeal Wheat Flour (15 kg)


Organic Wholemeal Wheat Flour (20 kg)


Organic Wholemeal Wheat Flour (25 kg)


White Wheat Flour with a touch of bran

Organic White Wheat Flour with a touch of bran (2 kg)


Organic White Wheat Flour with a touch of bran (5 kg)


Organic White Wheat Flour with a touch of bran (10 kg)


Organic White Wheat Flour with a touch of bran (15 kg)


Organic White Wheat Flour with a touch of bran (20 kg)


Organic White Wheat Flour with a touch of bran (25 kg)



Organic Wheat Flakes (2 kg) - please unpacked straight after arrival, fresh flakes need to breathe



Organic Kibbled Wheat (2 kg)


Organic Kibbled Wheat (5 kg)


Organic Kibbled Wheat (10 kg)


Organic Kibbled Wheat (15 kg)


Wheat Bran

Organic Wheat Bran (2 kg)


Organic Wheat Bran (5 kg)


Organic Wheat Bran (16 kg)


Whole Grain

Organic Wheat Grain (2 kg)


Organic Wheat Grain (5 kg)


Organic Wheat Grain (10 kg)


Organic Wheat Grain (15 kg)


Organic Wheat Grain (20 kg)


Organic Wheat Grain (25 kg)


Wheat Semolina

Organic Wheat Semolina (2 kg)


Organic Wheat Semolina (5 kg)


Organic Wheat Semolina (10 kg)


 Dinkel / Spelt
Dinkel / Spelt

Dinkel / Spelt

Dinkel (triticum spelta) has been grown on the farm for some 20 years, in fact Milmore Downs pioneered this crop and its demanding processing requirements. The old variety used ensures excellent quality. As an ancient grain it relates to wheat. It was previously widely grown in Europe but due to its low yield and difficult growing characteristics it has mostly been replaced by modern wheat.

Although Dinkel contains as much gluten as wheat its gluten (protein) molecule has a different composition, which is why many people who are allergic to wheat can eat Dinkel. If you have a wheat allergy though you may or may not be able to eat Dinkel. Just try a small amount first.

Dinkel flour is a wonderful easily digestible product having a pleasant nutty taste. It can be used for bread but also for the full range of baking (cakes and biscuits, scones, pizza bases...) in exactly the same way as ordinary wheat flour though the bread dough may take longer to rise.
Flakes need to breath, please open bags directly after you got them.

All spelt / Dinkel products are BioGro* certified.

Dinkel/Spelt Wholemeal Flour

Organic Dinkel/Spelt Wholemeal Flour (2 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Wholemeal Flour (5 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Wholemeal Flour (10 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Wholemeal Flour (15 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Wholemeal Flour (20 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Wholemeal Flour (25 kg)


Dinkel/Spelt White Flour with a Touch of Bran

Organic Dinkel/Spelt White Flour with a touch of bran (2 kg)


Organic White Dinkel/Spelt Flour with a touch of bran (5 kg)


Organic White Dinkel/Spelt Flour with a touch of bran (10 kg)


Organic White Dinkel/Spelt Flour with a touch of bran (15 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt White Flour with a touch of bran (20 kg)


Organic White Dinkel/Spelt Flour with a Touch of Bran (25 kg)



Organic Dinkel/Spelt Flakes (2 kg) - please unpacked straight after arrival, fresh flakes need to breathe


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Flakes (5 kg) - please unpacked straight after arrival, fresh flakes need to breathe



Organic Kibbled Dinkel/Spelt (2 kg)


Organic Kibbled Dinkel/Spelt (5 kg)


Whole Grain

Organic Dinkel/Spelt Grain (2 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Grain (5 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Grain (10 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Grain (15 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Grain (20 kg)


Organic Dinkel/Spelt Grain (25 kg)




Rye grows much better in cooler and drier regions than wheat, and also performs well on sandy soils. Rye is a 'light' germinator needing to be sown shallowly into a well prepared seed bed. Compaction or wet feet have a severe effect on rye and yields can slump dramatically if such conditions arise. It is wind pollinated to a substantial degree. This allows the introduction of outside lines which become 'integrated' over subsequent generations –
the rye variety on Milmore Downs has developed over 30 years from four main seed sources.

Our rye is popular because it bakes well (typically falling number values are high). However, the baking qualities of rye flour are fundamentally different to those of wheat. This is due to the enzyme constituents - rye flour has amylum destructive amylases which hinders raising and therefore it needs to be baked using sourdough as the raising agent. Pumpernickel, made solely from rye flour and kibbled rye is a well known type of rye bread, but very often rye is mixed into bread made with other grains.

Our rye flour is a wholemeal flour and milled in Zentrofan mills which produced a very finely milled flour. Learn more about our grain processing.

All rye products are BioGro* certified


Organic Rye Flour (2 kg) - milled whole grain


Organic Rye Flour (5 kg) - milled whole grain


Organic Rye Flour (10 kg) - milled whole grain


Organic Rye Flour (15 kg) - milled whole grain


Organic Rye Flour (20 kg) - milled whole grain


Organic Rye Flour (25 kg) - milled whole grain



Organic Rye Flakes (2 kg) - please unpack straight after arrival, fresh flakes need to breathe



Organic Kibbled Rye (2 kg)


Organic Kibbled Rye (5 kg)


Organic Kibbled Rye (10 kg)


Organic Kibbled Rye (15 kg)


Whole Grain

Organic Rye Grain (2 kg)


Organic Rye Grain (5 kg)


Organic Rye Grain (10 kg)


Organic Rye Grain (15 kg)


Organic Rye Grain (20 kg)


Organic Rye Grain (25 kg)




Barley is one of the oldest domesticated crops having been first recorded in cultivation in prehistoric times.

The grain is covered by an outer seed coat that covers the bran layer, a large starchy endosperm, and an oil-containing germ. The hull and bran are removed by a process called pearling. Once pearled it can be further processed to flour, semolina or flakes.

Barley flakes are ideal ingredients for muesli – or even an excellent replacement for oat flakes – they are sweeter with a lower fat content. Try making 'granola' - lightly toast with a few raisins, a drizzle of honey, sunflower or pumpkin seeds and perhaps some nuts.

All Barley products are BioGro certified


Organic Barley Flour (2 kg)


Organic Barley Flour (5 kg)


Organic Barley Flour (10 kg)


Organic Barley Flour (15 kg)


Organic Barley Flour (20 kg)


Organic Barley Flour (25 kg)



Organic Barley Flakes (2 kg) - please unpacked straight after arrival, fresh flakes need to breathe



Organic Kibbled Barley (2kg)


Organic Kibbled Barley (5kg)


Organic Kibbled Barley (5kg)


Organic Kibbled Barley (10kg)


Organic Kibbled Barley (15kg)


Whole Grain

Organic Whole Barley (2 kg) - suitable for sprouting and barley grass


Organic Whole Barley (5 kg) - suitable for sprouting and barley grass


Organic Whole Barley (10 kg) - suitable for sprouting and barley grass


Organic Whole Barley (15 kg) - suitable for sprouting and barley grass


Organic Whole Barley (20 kg) - suitable for sprouting and barley grass


Organic Whole Barley (25 kg) - suitable for sprouting and barley grass



Organic Pearl Barley (2 kg)


Organic Pearl Barley (5 kg)


Organic Pearl Barley (10 kg)


Organic Pearl Barley (15 kg)


Organic Pearl Barley (20 kg)


Organic Pearl Barley (25 kg)



Barley Semolina

Organic Barley Semolina (2 kg)


Organic Barley Semolina (5 kg)


Organic Barley Semolina (10 kg)


 Stone ground flour milling process
Stone ground flour milling process

Stone ground flour milling process

The wholemeal flour is processed in a Zentrofan mill especially developed to mill grain in such a way as to retain all the qualities of the Biodynamic grains. It has a natural basalt stone cylinder against which the grain is carried by a current of air so it is milled much cooler than in conventional stone mills. All the goodness of the grain is retained and the minerals in the finely ground bran are more available which is reflected in the sweetness of the flour. The process yields flour which is drier than usual and that gives it a longer shelf life though freshly ground wholemeal flour still gives the best results for bread and baking.

The white flour is milled in a classic stone mill and sieved leaving a touch of bran.

What is meant by Biodynamic grain quality? Increasing concern is being felt today about the quality of food due to falling nutritional values and increasing toxic residue levels. The Biodynamic method addresses these issues as it includes the use of special preparations which aid the formation of an active humus build-up and hence lasting soil fertility without the use of synthetic chemicals. The results are seen in enhanced grain quality – such as baking score, storage life, etc.

 Courier charges and information

Courier charges and information

We are using Castle Parcles/Poste Haste
Courier charges 
All courier weights are unfortunately gross weights (incl. about 0.5% packaging weight), courier companies are very strict. We will do our best for you and go to the limit! The steps for different weights are
2kg (urban $14/rural $20), 5kg (urban $17/rural $23), 15kg (urban $21/rural $27), 25kg (urban $28/rural $35). Mixed bags can be max 4kg, 14kg, 24 kg!!!
Additional Rural Charges: You may be able to avoid RD charges by collecting your delivery from one of the courier drop off points, near you (when you order please write the full address of the drop off point as your delivery address).
Orders for Waiheke Island can be send to KB Distrubutors (around $30+GST/up to 25kg charge for forwarding to the Island) 

If you order more than 150 kg, please write an email to, we can figure out a freight which might be cheaper. 

Since we live 80 km away from a courier drop off point, we aim to reduce our environmental impact by making sure that the vehicle taking couriers is reasonably full. As a result your order may have to wait a bit for the next courier run. Our main courier day is Thursday. Thanks for your understanding. 

December 17, 2024