The wholemeal flour is processed in a Zentrofan mill especially developed to mill grain in such a way as to retain all the qualities of the Biodynamic grains. It has a natural basalt stone cylinder against which the grain is carried by a current of air so it is milled much cooler than in conventional stone mills. All the goodness of the grain is retained and the minerals in the finely ground bran are more available which is reflected in the sweetness of the flour. The process yields flour which is drier than usual and that gives it a longer shelf life though freshly ground wholemeal flour still gives the best results for bread and baking.
The white flour is milled in a classic stone mill and sieved leaving a touch of bran.
What is meant by Biodynamic grain quality? Increasing concern is being felt today about the quality of food due to falling nutritional values and increasing toxic residue levels. The Biodynamic method addresses these issues as it includes the use of special preparations which aid the formation of an active humus build-up and hence lasting soil fertility without the use of synthetic chemicals. The results are seen in enhanced grain quality – such as baking score, storage life, etc.